Groups and Mission

Free activities for Young People

Sparklers Sunday School

Third Sunday of the month, 11:00am-12:00 in St. James’ – singing, prayer, Bible stories, craft and activities plus the option of occasional visits and craft days. All welcome.

Sparklers Breakfast

Teens to Twenties (ages 15-25)

Every Monday in the Vicarage: shared meal, craft, Bible study through DVD (‘The Chosen’), prayer and discussion and optional other activities including climate activism and Greenbelt Festival. Whether you are ‘confidently Christian’ or just curious about what it all means, you’ll be welcome! (Warning: occasional bad jokes, kazoos and chocolate)

Sharing an evening meal

Lego Church (ages 9-15, school years 5-10)

Every Thursday 5:00-6:30pm. Run by David Girdlestone and Rev. Caroline Beckett for ages 9-15 (school years 5-10) in St. James’. Exploring stories, faith and life through Lego building. Free building, timed challenges, snack time, builder of the week and more. Lego supplied by us, creativity supplied by you!

Our Lego creations


We keep our Church-run youth groups free so they are accessible to all. We welcome all, and happily adapt for disability and neurodiversity, as a number of our young people can tell you. If you would like to give a donation to support our work with young people, we’d be overjoyed!


For Adults


We have several housegroups, meeting in people’s homes on different days at different times to study the Bible together, talk and support one another in the life of faith. Members are at all ages and stages of faith. If you are interested, please message us via the Church Office or contact the Vicar.

Bereavement group

This is led by Jennifer Gallant and meets monthly as group support for those who have lost loved ones, for however long you want the support. Grief is a journey that takes time and the caring company of those who understand can make a big difference. Mondays at If You are interested in this, please call Jennifer Gallant on 01206305060.

In The Community


We are a collection point for items for Brightlingsea Foodbank and our Vicar is a voucher holder for the Foodbank as well as one of its trustees and many of our members volunteer there. We are also a first point of contact for people in need or hardship in the community.

For further information contact the Foodbank Co-ordinator, Win Pomroy, or Frank Pomroy on any of the numbers below.

07970 480968 / 07377 738806 / 01206 303902

Civic Events

We hold Remembrance services on Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday, sometimes at the War Memorial and sometimes including an indoor service too.

Parish Magazine
Download this month's issue here.
All Saints’ Church, Church Road, Brightlingsea CO7 0RZ
St James’ Church, High Street, Brightlingsea CO7 0AE
© All Saints' Church & St James' Church Brightlingsea 2024
Website by Big Red Web Design