This has been extended on four occasions in the comparatively recent past, in the late nineteenth century, in the 1920s, in 2007 and, most recently, just before the Covid pandemic. Consequently, the churchyard now covers about eight and a half acres. It is believed to be the second largest churchyard in the UK.
Except for the two most recent extensions, the churchyard is declared “full” though it is not a “closed” churchyard. The responsibility for its upkeep remains in the hands of the PCC. A few years ago the Chancellor gave permission for a Garden of Remembrance and Ash Lawn on the North side of the church. This is a place for the burial of cremated remains and also a quiet garden area with a beautiful view over Church Dock and beyond the Creek.
The churchyard is maintained by a group of volunteers, all retired, who take great pride in looking after the All Saints’ churchyard and call themselves the ‘Holy Mowers’
Our churchyard is full of interest. Not only the graves and the stories behind them, but also the war graves and the displays of seasonal flowers: snowdrops, bluebells, primroses etc.
The churchyard is a haven for wildlife, too: birds ,owls, butterflies and bats, slowworms, bugs and beetles, all with habitats provided. The churchyard is a green churchyard, totally organic and carefully managed with regimes for mowing.
We meet on Thursday mornings for work, coffee, biscuits and a chat. You don’t have to attend church to join. Call the Church Office on 01206 302378 for more information.