Vicar: Rev’d Caroline Beckett

All Saints with St James Brightlingsea

Forest Church

Forest Church is an informal outdoor service held on Sunday afternoons in All Saints’ Churchyard on a regular basis. It celebrates God’s wonderful creation and offers worship in the open air.

Forest Church is held outside, in all weathers. It is led, planned and delivered by lay ministers. We can be found at the very end of the churchyard by the hedge,. To find us, walk all the way down the path from the lych-gate until you reach a clearing at the back. We cannot be seen from the road, so keep walking until you can see us!

A typical Forest Church involves sitting together on logs ((some people bring their own camp chairs) around an open fire where we sing, pray, listen to a Bible reading, engage in various activities making or observing things around the Churchyard. We start by whittling sticks to be our ‘toasting forks’, and we end by toasting marshmallows over the fire, enjoying hot drinks and fellowship together. We use a “Boom Box” to play music and have a microphone so we can be heard, even on windy days. Look out for the two banners, one for each Church, advertising Forest Church services.

Our activities have included making a “harvest table” for the creatures of the Churchyard to enjoy (seeds, berries, fruits); exploring the trees in the churchyard; making food for the birds; making crowns out of wild flowers and grasses; making and decorating lanterns using the resources we find around us; praying using dandelions; and mini-beast hunting.

Some people who are not familiar with Sunday services in Church come to Forest Church to explore their faith. Others prefer to worship outside, where they feel safer since the pandemic. Others come to enjoy time with Christian families in a safe and informal space.

So far we have enjoyed reasonable, mostly dry weather, even in the depths of winter. Flowers, birdsong and nature in all its glory enhance our worship. We have seen birds of prey, admired an inquisitive robin, heard the woodpeckers, watched squirrels and even found a badger’s sett.

Everyone is welcome to join us. Please wear clothes suitable for the weather as we are always outside. We look forward to seeing you at our next Forest Church.

Catherine Graham

We are open:

St James’ Church is open daily from 8:30am until 3:00pm. Please note these times may vary due to special services as well as hire for private events.

Find us

  • St James’ Church, High Street, Brightlingsea CO7 0AE
  • All Saints’ Church, Church Road, Brightlingsea CO7 0RZ
© All Saints' Church & St James' Church Brightlingsea 2025