Vicar: Rev’d Caroline Beckett

All Saints with St James Brightlingsea


2025 is the year of Bells and Brasses at All Saints!

We are currently fundraising for restoration of the Bells and the Brasses.


Following the completion of the Tower project it would seem appropriate to restore the bells so that once again they
can be rung and also give access to the belfry and ringing chamber. We are fortunate to have ancient bells within a
fine oak framework. The original bells, installed when the tower was built, consisted of 4 or 5 bells set in a 15c oak
frame. Two of the bells were taken into the King’s hands in 1642 -46. A 3rd or 4th bell was sold to pay for tower
repairs and replaced in late 1880s with a set of 10 tubular bells. The one remaining service bell was cast in 1400, and
there is also a smaller Sanctus bell.

As a result of a recent extensive survey, we know that all the bells require renovation and should be removed from
the tower, restored, replaced and adapted to be rung electronically. In order for the bells to be removed from the
tower steelwork has to be installed to take the weight of the bells as they are lowered.

A major benefit will be that the restored tubular bells will be particularly effective at ringing tunes as well as peals.
This means that people can have the bells rung for weddings, funerals, baptisms and other special events.

Look out for future fund-raising opportunities to make the restoration happen, we shall need just over £55,000.
Donations will be gratefully accepted by Friends of All Saints (07899 776620). We are also offering Tower Tours (£7
per adult & £4.50 for children over 8yrs) as a chance to climb the Tudor Tower and also contribute towards the Bells
Appeal. Book via the Church Office or
Further Information from 07899 776620

We are open:

St James’ Church is open daily from 8:30am until 3:00pm. Please note these times may vary due to special services as well as hire for private events.

Find us

  • St James’ Church, High Street, Brightlingsea CO7 0AE
  • All Saints’ Church, Church Road, Brightlingsea CO7 0RZ
© All Saints' Church & St James' Church Brightlingsea 2025