Vicar: Rev’d Caroline Beckett

All Saints with St James Brightlingsea


The Church Lads’ and Church Girls’ Brigade (CLCGB), known as ‘The Brigade’, is the Anglican Church’s own uniformed youth organisation, welcoming children and young people of all faiths and none.

Brigade members enjoy fun, faith, fellowship and become better equipped to cope with demands society places upon them. The leaders create a caring and safe environment where friendships between young people, children and adults can flourish and young people and children can grow in confidence, developing their skills and abilities, enabling them to work together and learning care and concern for others.

We encourage young people and children to explore their spirituality, respond to the Christian faith, and to develop their moral values and respect for the environment.


We are open:

St James’ Church is open daily from 8:30am until 3:00pm. Please note these times may vary due to special services as well as hire for private events.

Find us

  • St James’ Church, High Street, Brightlingsea CO7 0AE
  • All Saints’ Church, Church Road, Brightlingsea CO7 0RZ
© All Saints' Church & St James' Church Brightlingsea 2025